Montauk New York in March furthest habitable point on Long Island ... end o' the New York line ... before summer craziness takes over. * SCROLL A TAD DOWN FOR SLIDE SHOW * Hearts beat again on the ocean's sand, long time longed for friend coming home now and then at Montauk's tail end YOUR COMMENTS ALWAYS WELCOME ALWAYS SECURE
"A great many people go through life in bondage to success. They are in mortal dread of failure. Yet success and failure are in the hands of GOD." E. Stanley Jones Suppose we have the calling to a place, person or event ... Suppose we should fail ... Is that so terrible ? NOT to have tried is a WORSE failure. We look at the verdict of others instead of HIS verdict. We do not have to "succeed". We only have to be true to the HIGHEST we know. Whether it's a HUGE City, like New York, or a tiny hamlet in New York, or ANYWHERE in the USA, the HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY ACT better known as HIPAA has a PRIVACY ACT that defines policies, procedures and guidelines for maintaining the PRIVACY and SECURITY of individually identifiable health information for the living AS WELL AS THE DECEASED !!! Deceased individuals have the SAME rights as the living for FIFTY YEARS after their demise. But WHAT can be done when that privacy has not only been violated but also slandered in a small town where gossip is as common as SNOW ? If one is living in that tiny town, would it be wise or SAFE to report the violators . . . OR . . . would it be best to remind individuals working as Health Care Providers and Assistants that these violations are EXTREMELY PAINFUL to remaining Family Members but also SERIOUSLY PUNISHABLE by damages up to a cost of $ 250,000.- PLUS YEARS OF JAIL TIME !!! If you would like to understand more about the privacy rights of your deceased loved ones CLICK HERE If you feel you have been violated ~ OR ~ You are the witness to such a violation I encourage you to file a report by CLICKING HERE !!! This is a CRIME that needs to be STOPPED ! "ET NON EST ULLA CREATURA INVISIBILLIS IN CONSPECTU EIUS OMNIA AUTEM NUDA ET APERTA SUNT OCULIS EIUS AD QUEM NOBIS SERMO." HEBREWS 4:13 I'D LOVE TO READ YOUR COMMENTS. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DIVULGE YOUR REAL NAME NOR INSERT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS. THANK YOU !!! ![]() When I saw this gorgeous BOK CHOY at my local Market yesterday for a mere Dollar Fifty, I knew it had to come home with me. Although this veggie is claimed to be in the Cabbage Family, I'd rather liken it to Chard with a very mild flavor. BOK CHOY { click on the highlighted word to learn more } has been analyzed for its contribution to human health. ![]() ONE CUP of the cooked stuff is said to yield: BETA CAROTENE 2.6 mg VITAMIN C 44 mg FOLIC ACID 69 mcg CALCIUM 158 mg POTASSIUM 631 mg MAGNESSIUM 19 mg It also contains GLUCOSINOLATES click on highlighted word to learn more which have been known to inhibit cancer when ingested in small doses. ![]() It being so cold outside, I decided to make a Thai inspired soup of it with hopes of being infused with tropical warmth. BOK CHOY SHRIMP SOUP ONE BOK CHOY WASHED and CHOPPED RAW SHRIMP HALF POUND or MORE PEEL the SHRIMP reserving the skins and bring the skins to a BOIL in 1 CAN COCONUT WATER mixed with 1/2 CUP or MORE WHITE WINE SIMMER this for about FIVE MINUTES and SET ASIDE. Git yerself 'bout ONE TABLESPOON of COCONUT OIL and bring it near SMOKIN' HOT in a WOK ! DUMP the CHOPPED BOK CHOY in the WOK and STIR FRY for about SEVEN MINUTES. It will throw off lots of its own liquid. ![]() ADD TWO CLOVES MINCED GARLIC, about a TABLESPOON FRESH GRATED GINGER OR USE THE POWDERED GINGER IF YOU MUST SPLASH IN about 1/4 CUP of KEY LIME JUICE and a TABLESPOON or MORE of TAMARI or SOY SAUCE DRIZZLE IN HALF TEASPOON of SESAME OIL POUR in RESERVED SHRIMP SKIN LIQUID without the skins o'course A DASH OR TWO TOBASCO AND FINALLY THE RAW SHRIMP !!! ![]() JUST HEAT THIS ALL THROUGH FOR A VERY FEW SHORT MINUTES... DON'T OVERCOOK THE SHRIMP ! POUR YOURSELF A GLASS OF WINE TRADITIONALLY WHITE WITH FISH BUT I STILL PREFER RED FILL SOME BOWLS and SMILE ON YERSELF !!! DELICIOUS ! YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOMED ! PLEASE KNOW YOU NEED NOT SUPPLY YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS ! ![]() TALK HAPPINESS. The world is sad enough without your woes. NO path is wholly rough; ![]() Look for the places that are smooth and clear, and SPEAK of THOSE, to rest the weary ear of Earth, so hurt by one continuous strain of human discontent and grief and pain. ![]() TALK FAITH. The world is better off without your uttered ignorance and morbid doubt. If you have faith in GOD, or man, or self, SAY SO. If not, push back upon the shelf of silence ALL your thoughts, till faith shall come; No one will grieve because your lips are dumb. ![]() TALK HEALTH. The dreary never changing tale of mortal maladies is worn and stale. You cannot charm, or interest, or please by harping on that minor chord, disease. Say you are well, or all is well with you, and GOD shall hear your words and make them true. "OPTIMISM" By Ella Wheeler Wilcox "O Most High, Almighty, Good Lord God, to Thee belong praise, glory, honor and all blessing. Praised be our Lord God, with all his creatures, and especially our brother the Sun, who brings us the day and who brings us the light: fair is he, and he shines with a very great splendour. Oh Lord, he signifies us to Thee ! Praised be our Lord for our sister the Moon, and for the Stars, the which He has set clear and lovely in the heaven. Praised be our Lord for our brother the Wind, and for Air and Clouds, calms and all weather, by which Thou upholdest life and all creatures. Praised be our Lord for our sister Water, who is very serviceable to us, and humble and precious and clean. Praised be our Lord for our brother Fire, through whom Thou givest us light in the darkness; and he is bright and pleasant and very mighty and strong. Praised be our Lord for our mother the Earth, the which doth sustain us and keep us, and bringeth forth divers fruits and flowers of many colors, and grass. Praised be our Lord for all those who pardon one another for Love's sake, and who endure weakness and tribulation; blessed are they who peacefully shall endure, for Thou, O Most High, will give them a crown. Praised be our Lord for our Sister, the Death of the Body, from which no man escapeth. Woe to him that dieth in mortal sin. Blessed are those who die in Thy most holy will, for the second death shall have no power to do them harm. Praise ye and bless the Lord and give thanks to Him and serve Him with great humility." Saint Francis of Assisi FEEL FREE TO LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW
WITHOUT CONCERN THAT YOUR PERSONAL INFO WILL BE SHARED BY ANYONE AT ANYTIME ! YOU NEED NOT SUPPLY YOUR E-MAIL NOR YOUR FULL NAME ! THANK YOU ! IF YOU SIT DOWN AT SET OF SUN AND COUNT THE ACTS THAT YOU HAVE DONE AND COUNTING FIND ONE SELF-DENYING DEED ONE WORD THAT EASED THE HEART OF HIM THAT HEARD ONE GLANCE MOST KIND THAT FELL LIKE SUNSHINE WHERE IT WENT THEN YOU MAY COUNT THAT DAY WELL SPENT. BUT IF THROUGH ALL THE LIVELONG DAY YOU'VE CHEERED NO HEART BY YEA OR NAY IF THROUGH IT ALL YOU'VE NOTHING DONE THAT YOU CAN TRACE THAT BROUGHT THE SUNSHINE TO ONE FACE NO ACT MOST SMALL THAT HELPED SOME SOUL AND NOTHING COST THEN COUNT THAT DAY AS WORSE THAN LOST COUNT THAT DAY LOST By George Eliot 1819-1880 ![]() I recently roamed the desert at the base of The Organ Mountains lifting and pocketing the occasional time polished Red Jasper, Obsidian and Petrified Wood, contemplating... making sense of my own recent Rough Ride that safely brought me full circle from events that began in Key West, many ~ many years ago. ![]() I certainly wasn't thinking about Teddy Roosevelt carefully handpicking 1,060 Southwestern men as his ROUGH RIDERS. These fearless Cavalry Men were HUNTERS ~ NATIVE AMERICANS ~ COWBOYS ~ RANCHERS GOLD and MINING PROSPECTORS ~ GAMBLERS POLICE OFFICERS ~ MILITARY VETERANS ~ COLLEGE ATHLETES ![]() I wasn't daydreaming about how Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders trained on horseback and lived in the self same area I was strolling through ... UNTIL ... ![]() I noticed the shank of a button sitting in the sand a few inches from my boot. Engrossed in my thoughts, I was ALMOST too lazy to bend and pick it up ... but curiosity got the better of me and that simple action twirled me into a time travel ~ ![]() back to the days when ONE of the ROUGH RIDERS, maybe even Teddy his self, lost a button off his uniform which waited 115 YEARS in the sand for ME to find ! The nickel sized button felt like
recognition from the GREAT BEYOND for recent personal fearlessness in the face of questionable circumstances. After all, it is said that New Mexico is THE LAND OF ENCHANTMENT. CLICK HERE TO VIEW RARE FOOTAGE IN A SIX MINUTE DOCUMENTARY ABOUT THE ROUGH RIDERS ! I'm certain that Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders well understood that "GOD did NOT give us the Spirit of Fear; but of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND." II Timothy 1:7 FEEL FREE TO LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW WITHOUT CONCERN THAT YOUR PERSONAL INFO WILL BE SHARED BY ANYONE AT ANYTIME ! YOU NEED NOT SUPPLY YOUR E-MAIL NOR YOUR FULL NAME ! THANK YOU ! ![]() I didn't learn about Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders while impatiently tapping my toes under a cold metal desk in a pea soup painted NYC Junior High classroom. Nope... I was busy practicing IMAGINATION , driven to distraction by the droning tempo of an eternally nasal infected History Teacher whose only passion was to DRILL RUSTY SPIKES of DATA into HARD WOOD HEADS. ![]() The Spanish American War of 1898 was therefore a memorized ~ meaningless tidbit of tortured knowledge until I lived in an old Conch House across the street from the sepulchers of souls that perished when The Battleship Maine suddenly and mysteriously ! ! ! EXPLODED ! ! ! She QUICKLY SANK ... on a February nite ... taking with her the lives of 266 Naval Soldiers ... WITHOUT WARNING ! In the quiet of the tropical nights, when the palms slowly swayed in the breeze and the air held a sweet odor of frangipani, jasmine and ions, I would sit on my porch steps watching the dry lightening; feeling the solemnity of this resting place as if it had only recently happened. IF YOU'D LIKE TO VIEW AN AUTHENTIC TWO MINUTE VIDEO of the BURIAL PROCESSION of 1898, PLEASE CLICK HERE ! ![]() The Maine had been peacefully sitting in Cuba's Havana Harbor as a symbol of American intervention in The Cuban War of Independence from Spain. Despite investigations into the catastrophe, it remained unclear exactly why or how this tragedy occurred. The Ship was an armored cruiser powered by an archaic steam engine, considered outdated many years prior to going into service. She very well could have succumbed due to a fire in one of her coal bunkers. Nevertheless, Newspaper Magnates William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer continuously published YELLOW PRESS with inflammatory articles that blatantly pointed the finger at SPAIN, capitalizing on the public's anger and pain, with full understanding that the public wanted to blame SOMEONE. Because of these articles, REMEMBER THE MAINE ! TO HELL WITH SPAIN ! became an unfortunate and common cry amongst the people. So began a series of events that led to SPAIN declaring WAR on April 23 rd., 1898. ![]() President William McKinley called for volunteers which led to the creation of Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders. "RECRUITS MUST BE A GOOD SHOT... ABLE TO RIDE ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF HORSEFLESH... A ROUGH AND READY FIGHTER, AND ABOVE ALL MUST HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORD FEAR." Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt COME BACK NEXT WEEK FOR PART TWO Please know that your comments are welcome !!! You need NOT supply your e-mail address NOR your full name when doing so ! ![]() TCM's video entitled REMEMBERING 2013 CLICK ON THE HIGHLIGHTED TITLE TO VIEW THE VIDEO features a most appropriate song By SLEEPING AT LAST. Hope you enjoy the insightful lyrics below: "In The Embers" WE LIVE AND WE DIE LIKE FIREWORKS. OUR LEGACIES HIDE IN THE EMBERS. MAY OUR STORIES CATCH FIRE AND BURN BRIGHT ENOUGH TO CATCH GOD's EYE. WE LIVE AND WE DIE. LIKE FIREWORKS WE PULL APART THE DARK; COMPETE AGAINST THE STARS WITH ALL OF OUR HEARTS, TIL OUR TEMPORARY BRILLIANCE TURNS TO ASH. WE PULL APART THE DARKNESS WHILE WE CAN. MAY WE LIVE AND DIE A VALOROUS LIFE. MAY WE WRITE IT ALL DOWN IN CURSIVE LIGHT. SO WE PRAY WE WERE MADE IN THE IMAGE OF A FIGURE EIGHT. MAY WE LIVE AND DIE LIKE FIREWORKS WE PULL APART THE DARK; COMPETE AGAINST THE STARS WITH ALL OF OUR HEARTS, TIL OUR TEMPORARY BRILLIANCE TURNS TO ASH. WE PULL APART THE DARKNESS WHILE WE CAN. **** * * * **** WISHING YOU ALL A MOST BRILLIANT 2014 |
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