![]() TALK HAPPINESS. The world is sad enough without your woes. NO path is wholly rough; ![]() Look for the places that are smooth and clear, and SPEAK of THOSE, to rest the weary ear of Earth, so hurt by one continuous strain of human discontent and grief and pain. ![]() TALK FAITH. The world is better off without your uttered ignorance and morbid doubt. If you have faith in GOD, or man, or self, SAY SO. If not, push back upon the shelf of silence ALL your thoughts, till faith shall come; No one will grieve because your lips are dumb. ![]() TALK HEALTH. The dreary never changing tale of mortal maladies is worn and stale. You cannot charm, or interest, or please by harping on that minor chord, disease. Say you are well, or all is well with you, and GOD shall hear your words and make them true. "OPTIMISM" By Ella Wheeler Wilcox
2/9/2014 10:27:22 pm
I try not to give the bad stuff any power but sometimes need to vent or figure something out with a friend love your pictures
2/10/2014 10:33:17 am
Yeah...I have certainly done that myself...especially valuing one friend in particular who is GOD loving and NEVER manipulative for selfish purposes.
2/10/2014 01:03:51 am
ya usta put up some cool recipes.waitng for more of that great photos are they yours?happy faithful n healthy
2/10/2014 10:36:46 am
Hey thanks JazT ! Yeah, they are my own photos. I'll certainly be putting up more recipes...leaning towards some Cuban Cuisine lately from my delicious days in Key West a hundred years ago. Made some great Ropa Vieja last week...YUM !
Cora-Anne Harbin
2/10/2014 06:36:50 am
so whats for dinner deenah ?
2/10/2014 10:38:30 am
Hmmm...haven't decided yet...got any suggestions ?
Cora-Anne Harbin
2/11/2014 03:30:50 pm
you mentioned cuban. had acup of black bean soup in Miami then order a bowl it was so god. a recipe for that? Dont kno what ropa vieja is.
2/13/2014 06:51:55 am
Ropa Vieja is translated as meaning "Old Clothes". It's a braised dish usually created from beef skirt steak. As for Cuban black bean soup...oh, it is so very good. Funny how everyone makes it slightly different. It comes out very well when made in a crock pot. Next time I make it, will take pix and post the recipe. Hope mine's as good as your memory.
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