![]() While most everyone is thinking about apples in Fall, here in the Northeast the ELBERTA PEACHES have just finished their peak. My five year old tree produced better than a hundred pounds even after being pruned hard in late winter. ![]() Elbertas are fabulous eaten fresh. The stones pop right out and their perfume fills the house. Still, they can NEVER EVER compare with a peach grown in Georgia . ![]() I 've Grilled Elberta's, Pied Elbertas, Jammed, Ice Creamed and Baked Elbertas, added Ginger to them and even Chutneyed Elbertas ... no matter what I did to them, their flavor always vanished in the process ! ![]() I only know of THREE THINGS to successfully do with Elbertas : 1. Enjoy as many FRESH as you can stand 2. delight your neighbors and friends with bags of them ... and ... 3. make PEACH CORDIAL ![]()
HERE IT IS ! The perfectly thoughtful, practical and reasonably priced gift your friends and relatives will be using more often than not. Now, please know that absolutely NO ONE asked me to write this on NINJA's behalf. This NINJA EXPRESS CHOP came last week as a credit card points trade and these pics were taken in my kitchen today. You can buy yours at TARGET K~MART AMAZON Originally, I wasn't at all happy about any of the redemption items, but my plan was to cash in on accumulated points and cancel the card. I was also disgusted that 4,000 points afforded me a mere $ 20.00 item. I certainly wasn't expecting much from this appliance. The beautifully designed compact top holds the motor with electrical cord and feels secure in one hand. The Tupperware style lid has a capped hole, preventing dirt from affecting the motor housing and doubling as a food storage cover. The blade body sits on a stainless steel pin and easily lifts straight up and off without me being concerned about slicing a finger. I loaded the sturdy plastic container with one rib CELERY cut into 3 inch lengths, the YELLOW PEPPER, a slice of GINGER, a quartered CLEMENTINE with a slice of peel, half a TOMATOE quartered, some fresh CILANTRO, a teaspoon of BRAGG's organic APPLE CIDER VINEGAR and a splash of EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. . . . and put on the lid as instructed. I placed the motor housing on top, which easily connected to the blade through the open hole in the lid, pushed down on the silver "switch" to the count of ONE ~ TWO ~ THREE If you look close, you'll notice two pepper seeds at the bottom of the base. The base stayed sturdy and stationary as it chopped, never slipping or sliding ! . . . grabbed the white blade stem and lifted it straight up ~ off ~ and out ! Could've put on the fitted storage lid and refridgerated... But . . . It was SO DELICIOUS . . .
didn't even need salt . . . devoured the entire thing ! YUM !!! Anyway, I LOVE this thing and hope it lasts awhile. It seems like it will. Your comments are most appreciated and your personal info remains private. HAPPY CHANUKKAH MERRY CHRISTMAS ![]() When I saw this gorgeous BOK CHOY at my local Market yesterday for a mere Dollar Fifty, I knew it had to come home with me. Although this veggie is claimed to be in the Cabbage Family, I'd rather liken it to Chard with a very mild flavor. BOK CHOY { click on the highlighted word to learn more } has been analyzed for its contribution to human health. ![]() ONE CUP of the cooked stuff is said to yield: BETA CAROTENE 2.6 mg VITAMIN C 44 mg FOLIC ACID 69 mcg CALCIUM 158 mg POTASSIUM 631 mg MAGNESSIUM 19 mg It also contains GLUCOSINOLATES click on highlighted word to learn more which have been known to inhibit cancer when ingested in small doses. ![]() It being so cold outside, I decided to make a Thai inspired soup of it with hopes of being infused with tropical warmth. BOK CHOY SHRIMP SOUP ONE BOK CHOY WASHED and CHOPPED RAW SHRIMP HALF POUND or MORE PEEL the SHRIMP reserving the skins and bring the skins to a BOIL in 1 CAN COCONUT WATER mixed with 1/2 CUP or MORE WHITE WINE SIMMER this for about FIVE MINUTES and SET ASIDE. Git yerself 'bout ONE TABLESPOON of COCONUT OIL and bring it near SMOKIN' HOT in a WOK ! DUMP the CHOPPED BOK CHOY in the WOK and STIR FRY for about SEVEN MINUTES. It will throw off lots of its own liquid. ![]() ADD TWO CLOVES MINCED GARLIC, about a TABLESPOON FRESH GRATED GINGER OR USE THE POWDERED GINGER IF YOU MUST SPLASH IN about 1/4 CUP of KEY LIME JUICE and a TABLESPOON or MORE of TAMARI or SOY SAUCE DRIZZLE IN HALF TEASPOON of SESAME OIL POUR in RESERVED SHRIMP SKIN LIQUID without the skins o'course A DASH OR TWO TOBASCO AND FINALLY THE RAW SHRIMP !!! ![]() JUST HEAT THIS ALL THROUGH FOR A VERY FEW SHORT MINUTES... DON'T OVERCOOK THE SHRIMP ! POUR YOURSELF A GLASS OF WINE TRADITIONALLY WHITE WITH FISH BUT I STILL PREFER RED FILL SOME BOWLS and SMILE ON YERSELF !!! DELICIOUS ! YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOMED ! PLEASE KNOW YOU NEED NOT SUPPLY YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS ! ![]() WHETHER YOU'VE LIT THE FIRST ADVENT CANDLE THIS SUNDAY AS A COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS . . . OR . . . GOT YOUR MENORAH READY FOR CHANUKAH THIS COMING FRIDAY . . . ![]() know it or not... believe it or not... you are taking part in ancient rituals that celebrate the same basic thing. That mutual celebration is the celebration of MIRACLES orchestrated by the One and Only, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient GOD ! ![]() At this time of year, it's customary to enjoy Potato Pancakes { aka LATKES } They are delicious, nutritious, home inspiring soul food, ridiculously easy to throw together with readily available and inexpensive ingredients. Here's what you'll need to serve SIX people:
Peel the potatoes and drop them in icy cold water, which will help prevent them from turning brown as you work. * Some folks prefer to leave skin on the tater. * That's where most vitamins are. If that's what you decide to do, the pancakes will not be as "pretty". But, who cares ! Right ? Just be certain to clean them very well before proceeding ! Into a large bowl grate the potatoes as finely as you can, and splash them with some lemon juice, which will also prevent them from turning brown as you work. Sprinkle the potatoes with salt and allow them to rest at room temp for about 10 to 15 minutes. WASH YOUR HANDS VERY VERY WELL Using your hands, grab a large wad of potatoes and S Q U E E Z E them so that most liquid oozes back into your bowl. Place the squeezed taters into a new bowl. When all taters have been squeezed, you will notice a WHITE RESIDUE on the bottom of the original bowl. THIS STUFF IS POTATO STARCH ! It's what helps make the LATKES crunchy ! Carefully pour off the water and use a spatula to add this potato starch back into your taters ! Add remaining ingredients, being especially mindful when adding the flour. You may not need as much flour as you think. The goal is to use as little flour as possible; just enough to hold the mass together. Mix all together and form into small 4 or 5 inch circular pancakes. FRY in MEDIUM HIGH HOT OIL . . . NOT SMOKING HOT . . . first one side til golden and flip ! It's a MUST to serve these with SOUR CREAM and/or APPLE SAUCE !!! It's also traditional to serve them with a Mushroom Gravy... but that's a recipe for another time. SIMPLY DELIGHTFUL !!! ![]() In 1943, Norman Rockwell rendered this heartfelt image of a WW2 refugee thanking God for her meal. The painting was used as the cover for The Saturday Evening Post. It shows evidence of an unseen generous US Soldier who has loaned the young woman his large coat to stay warm. Although seventy years have passed since that insane era, the image can very easily be believed in our own time, for we still haven't solved the problem of people suffering in similar situations. The madness of war continues under a new name and the innocent continue to be the greatest victims. ![]() As the Roman Empire, founded on military might, fell apart, so we live in a similar period of decay. The Founder of Harvard University's Sociology Department, Pitirim Sorokin, observed that our culture is oriented towards the physical senses; has exhausted itself and is d i s s o l v i n g; proving that the future MUST reform itself around other ideas and purposes. Let's hope we are able to form around the idea and purpose of L O V E which brings with it many spiritual fruits, such as JOY - WISDOM - UNDERSTANDING - COUNSEL KINDNESS - GOODNESS - PATIENCE FAITHFULNESS - GENTLENESS - SELF CONTROL FORTITUDE - KNOWLEDGE - PEACE { to name a few } as opposed to egomania, greed and other hate filled havoc wreaking ideologies before we all perish ! ![]() For those of you who have a tremendous amount to be grateful for, and will be concerned about roasting the finest Turkey ever, I share the following reliable and successful technique: PERFECT TURKEY or TURKEY BREAST EVERY TIME ! Done in almost half the time of most recipes, this no fail method will bring you the result. The only requirements for the success of this procedure is knowing the total weight of your oven ready bird, { which includes the weight of the stuffing, if any }, and Aluminum Foil or tight fitting cover for the roasting pan. You'll need to do a bit of math, so get your pencil and paper ready. CLEAN, SEASON, {Bell's Seasoning is as good as it gets, or create your own mixture. Some folks swear that the enzymes in dried Apricots added around the bird, help in making it even juicier, giving a different unexpected flavour, despite the sulphites. Some criss cross the breast with bacon for yet another dimension of flavour. This bacon is removed before the last half hour of roasting.}, STUFF, {if desired- but REMEMBER to know the approximate weight of your stuffing}, AND TRUSS THE BIRD. COOKING TIME FORMULA FOR TWELVE POUNDS OR LESS OF TURKEY: 15,{ FIFTEEN }, MINUTES PER POUND PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 15,{ FIFTEEN }, MINUTES. EXAMPLE: TEN POUND TURKEY PLUS ONE POUND STUFFING IN BIRD EQUALS ELEVEN POUNDS OVEN READY BIRD. {11 pounds oven ready bird } X { 15 minutes } = 165 minutes + 15 minutes = 180 MINUTES or 3 HOURS COMPLETE START TO FINISH ROASTING TIME. COOKING TIME FORMULA FOR OVEN READY TURKEYS WEIGHING MORE THAN TWELVE POUNDS: 15,{ FIFTEEN }, MINUTES PER POUND FOR THE FIRST TWELVE POUNDS, PLUS 12,{ TWELVE }, MINUTES PER POUND FOR EACH POUND OVER THE ORIGINAL TWELVE POUNDS, PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 15,{ FIFTEEN }, MINUTES. EXAMPLE: FOURTEEN POUND TURKEY PLUS TWO POUNDS STUFFING IN BIRD EQUALS SIXTEEN POUNDS OVEN READY BIRD. { 12 pounds } X { 15 minutes } = 180 minutes PLUS { 4 pounds } X { 12 minutes } = 48 minutes PLUS an additional 15 minutes. FULL ROASTING TIME CONSEQUENTLY EQUALS 243 MINUTES or 4 HOURS and FIVE MINUTES !!! Now that you know what your roasting time will be, this is the procedure: PREHEAT OVEN TO 400 DEGREES ! PLACE BIRD IN ROASTING PAN AND SEAL WELL WITH ALUMINUM FOIL LEAVING A BIT OF SPACE BETWEEN THE FOIL AND THE BREAST SO THE SKIN WON'T STICK TO THE FOIL. PLACE BIRD IN OVEN. SET TIMER FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES !!! WHEN TIMER RINGS, TURN DIAL ON OVEN TO 375 DEGREES. DO NOT OPEN OVEN DOOR !!! NOW CALCULATE WHAT TIME IT WILL BE WHEN THERE IS A HALF HOUR REMAINING OF YOUR FULL ROASTING TIME. WHEN THAT TIME COMES, OPEN OVEN DOOR AND REMOVE ENTIRE ROASTING PAN FROM OVEN. CLOSE OVEN DOOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO KEEP HEAT IN. CAREFULLY, { and I mean carefully as steam will wildly escape at this point }, REMOVE FOIL, { and bacon if you used it }. REPLACE BIRD INTO OVEN AND ROAST FOR THE FINAL HALF HOUR. YOUR BIRD IS NOW PERFECTLY ROASTED AND GOLDEN ! REMEMBER TO ALLOW IT TO REST FOR TWENTY MINUTES BEFORE CARVING ! !!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!! ![]() Tina Sparkalina and Me on Halloween As we ate pungent Puttanesca Pasta, Nigel and I planned the week ahead. With both of us working on the Triplex Reorganization Project, it would be complete in a week, instead of two. This would give us time together before his Employer returned with wife and children. We went back to the triplex that evening to settle in til the job was finished. For the sake of convenience, we agreed to share the Master Suite on the top floor that had an adjoining bath. The other rooms had already been cleaned and made up. Did I mention that Nigel is a lifelong friend; like a brother to me ? So, dear reader, don't get any wrong "ideas" here. There NEVER has been, and NEVER will be any hanky panky between us. And, so it was that Nigel claimed the left side of the King bed by the window and I, the right, near the bath and door. Several paper sacks of metal hangers still leaned against the foot of the bed. I placed my suitcase on a bench against the opposite wall and removed my toiletries. Nigel used the bath first and reappeared with blue and white striped Brooks Brothers pajamas properly buttoned to the neck. He hobbled into bed, obviously exhausted, and immediately curled himself into a ball. He needed to fall asleep undisturbed, but I was wired, excited about my trip and filled with thoughts of things I wanted to see and do. I grabbed my book and went down a level to the kitchen. A cup of tea and a scone, { Nigel had baked the day before }, helped me unwind. The scones turned out to be OUT OF THIS WORLD ! { Best I ever ett ! } !!! THANKS NIGEL !!! for sharing something so out of this world, with the world ! ![]() Out of this World Tea Scones WHAT YOU'LL NEED: 2 Cups all purpose flour 2 Tablespoons Sugar 1 Tablespoon Baking Powder 1/2 Teaspoon Salt 1/3 Cup dried currants - or - raisins - or - chopped dates - or - dried cranberries,{ OPTIONAL } 6 Tablespoons UNSALTED BUTTER at room temperature,{ A MUST ! } 1 Beaten Egg 1/2 Cup Whole Milk 1 Slightly Beaten Egg for brushing on top prior to baking WHAT TO DO WITH WHAT YOU'LL NEED: 1. Preheat oven to 425. 2. Thoroughly stir flour, sugar, baking powder and salt together in a bowl. 3. Stir in dried fruit of your choice, if desired. 4. Cut in butter until the mix resembles coarse crumbs. 5. Add One beaten egg and milk stirring just until dough clings together. 6. Knead gently,{ 12 to 15 strokes }, on lightly floured surface. 7. Gather into ball, flatten and roll out to 1/2 inch thickness. 8. Use a glass or a round pastry cutter and cut into 12 to 16 scones. 9. Place on ungreased baking sheet, leaving a bit of space between them 10. Brush scones with slightly beaten egg. 11. Bake at 425 for 12 to 15 minutes until golden brown. Enjoy warm or at room temp, as they are... or accompany with whipped cream and strawberries, jams or anything else that pleases your palate ! I hope to read your comments about them ! Aint they the bestest ever ? TO BE CONTINUED... ![]() It's soon to be All Hallow's Eve; the perfect time to tell a spooky story ! I could tell one of UFO's or Angel Visitations. But I think one about Ghosts would probably be best. You decide whether or not it ever really happened. No matter, truth is always stranger than fiction and even a vivid imagination has a hard time making up stuff, especially when there are witnesses. So...as all good stories begin... Once upon a time, and a long - long time ago, I came to visit a dear friend in London, who remains as close as a brother to me. At the time, Nigel, { who will laugh at his nom de plume which I have chosen more for his delight than his anonymity }, was employed as a Man's Man in London. In other words, he was a domestic; a Butler, despite the fact he studied under Julia Child for years and is an excellent Pastry Chef. His second floor flat on the Kings Road in Chelsea, directly faced the Royal Stable. Every day began with Royal Horse Guards in handsome uniforms of black, red and gold, effortlessly lining up 30 or so gleaming black stallions in the twilit morning sun. With an invisible command, the steeds swiftly raised their heads and legs high in unison and pranced, clip clopping in the early hour of silence, through the misty London streets. There was something ethereal about watching this display at the crack of dawn while having coffee that left me feeling good and strong for hours. Though I was on vacation and his people were on holiday in the south of France, Nigel was deep in the midst of reorganizing their triplex next door. I enjoyed spending my first day exploring London on my own and planned to catch up with my friend for dinner. That evening found Nigel replacing every metal hanger in the Master's immense clothes closet with a new wooden one. I gathered the metal hangers and placed them in paper sacks at the foot of the unmade King size bed. We happily chatted and worked for hours until we realized it was too late for going out. London evenings have a foggy foreboding appeal, and this evening, being my first, seemed especially other worldly to me. I was glad when Nigel suggested we return to his flat to enjoy a quick Italian dish of pasta with savory Puttanesca Sauce. You may want to try this one on your Vegan dinner guests ! The beauty of this dish rests not only on the speed of which it can be put together, but also the flexibility dependent upon ingredients you have on hand. ![]() ITALIAN PUTTANESCA SAUCE YOU WILL NEED SOME OF THE FOLLOWING: BUTTER, { 2 Tablespoons } ONION, { finely chopped } GARLIC, { one to three cloves - mashed or minced } TOMATOES, { use a can of crushed or chop up several fresh ripe ones } BLACK OLIVES, { 1/2 Cup - if you have it - sliced or diced } GREEN OLIVES with or without PIMIENTO, { 1/2 Cup - sliced or diced } ARTICHOKE HEARTS, { 1/2 Cup - if you have it - marinated or canned, chunked } SUN DRIED TOMATOES, { a few or more pieces - if you have it - softened and chopped } CAPERS, { 1 teaspoon or more } ANCHOVIES, { 1 or 2 or 3 filets - a most excellent "secret" ingredient, if you have it, as they will dissolve and those who claim they don't like them will LOVE them here, if you dare divulge !!! } CHOPPED FRESH PARSLEY CHOPPED FRESH BASIL 1 or 2 CHERRY PEPPERS - chopped - OR - 1/2 tsp or more of RED PEPPER FLAKES - OR - a few splashes TOBASCO OLIVE OIL GRATED CHEESE WHAT TO DO WITH WHAT YOU GOT:
TO BE CONTINUED... ![]() This week I harvested 50 heads of garlic from my tiny yard, which were planted two inches deep and six inches apart in September of 2011. It pains me to see garlic for sale in the grocery stores these days. Upon closer inspection, the packages are marked "Product of China". I've been growing my own garlic here in the Northeast USA for many years now and it's the easiest and most reliable, pest free edible thing I've ever attempted to grow. Plucking them out of the ground is my single most satisfying garden activity. I lay them side by side on the lawn and rinse them with a hose; then arrange them in size escalating order and place them out in the sun to dry for a day or two. Using a bit of rope, the bundle is tied and hung in the kitchen, where they keep all winter and into the spring. Not only are they decorative, but I love to cook and snip off heads from the bunch as needed. I don't know exactly what cultivar my Hardnecks are... and if anyone out there could identify them by this photo, I would be delighted. Several years ago, someone gave me a few heads tied in a ribbon as a hostess gift. Rather than eat them, I carefully popped the cloves off the stem and planted them just to see what would happen. They were prolific ! Every September since then, I choose 50 large cloves for replanting, which provides me enough to use and give away to friends. The history of garlic is surprising and fascinating. They are actually a Lily bulb originally found to be growing in the Caucasus Mountains region in Russia. www.gourmetgarlicgardens.com has much in depth information about this living entity; history, growing and harvesting tips, health benefits and specified cultivars for you to enjoy. What to do with all this garlic ? Invite friends upstate for the weekend and make the following recipe from THE WONDERFUL FOOD OF PROVENCE, by Jean-Noel Escudier and Peta J. Fuller. Don't blame me, however, when you discover that you and your guests will reek the same for days to come ! { Sheweee ! } Chicken Braised with Forty Cloves of Garlic { Poulet aux Quarante Gousses d'Ail } I've gotten lazy with this recipe and have simply chopped and tossed the herbs, { with the exception to the Bay Leaf, of course, which should always be left whole }, into the chicken and mixed them in with the garlic and oil with excellent results.
Place Small Bouquet Garni in cavity and truss bird. Put Olive Oil into heatproof casserole with Garlic Cloves and Large Bouquet Garni. Place the Chicken in the casserole and turn it several times so that it is well coated with the oil. Put a tight lid on it and Bake @ 325 degrees F, { 160 degrees C. }, for about 1 1/2 Hours or more. Transfer the casserole to the table and remove lid just prior to serving to release the delicious aroma. Serve with Croutons and allow each person to spread his crouton with garlic squeezed from the skins. FANTASTIQUE and well worth the smell !!! ![]() If you're a dog owner and a dog lover, then you've certainly checked out the lengthy and weird ingredient list on containers of dog treats. You've also paid a small fortune for these questionable edibles, many of which are packaged here in the USA, but are created overseas in places where standards are not high; like China. What are you actually feeding your beloved pooch ? Will your devoted pet fall victim to poisoning while you're getting ripped off ? When I bought my cute pup at a yard sale a dozen years ago, I never planned on having to make my own Dog Treats, and eventually, my own Dog Food ! Her mother was a purebred Chow and her father, a purebred Dalmatian. She looked like a black bear cub and I simply fell in love. Thank God for the nasty white stuff we call snow that first winter of Miss Abbey's life ! When she urinated blood, I ran to a fabulous Vet who discovered she was suffering from food allergies. ![]() I quickly learned that Dalmatians need to be fed a different diet than the average dog. Their ability to process proteins apparently has been hindered by a great many years of domestication. Chicken was the greatest culprit for her and I had to find an easy solution using healthy ingredients that didn't include chicken lips,{ OH NO !!! }. Here's just one of my many tasty and nutritious Homemade Dog Biscuit recipes that I have made hundreds of times. It's very easy, quick and inexpensive. I hope you try it some evening while you're watching TV. Your dog, { like mine did }, will look at you in astonishment once he/she realizes you were making this especially for them and declare, "Wow ! You weally do wuv me !" |
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May 2019