![]() " Dearly beloved , avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath, for it is written, VENGEANCE IS MINE. I WILL REPAY, says the Lord. Therefore if your enemy hungers, feed him ; if he thirsts, give him drink : for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. " Romans 12: 19 ~ 21
HERE IT IS ! The perfectly thoughtful, practical and reasonably priced gift your friends and relatives will be using more often than not. Now, please know that absolutely NO ONE asked me to write this on NINJA's behalf. This NINJA EXPRESS CHOP came last week as a credit card points trade and these pics were taken in my kitchen today. You can buy yours at TARGET K~MART AMAZON Originally, I wasn't at all happy about any of the redemption items, but my plan was to cash in on accumulated points and cancel the card. I was also disgusted that 4,000 points afforded me a mere $ 20.00 item. I certainly wasn't expecting much from this appliance. The beautifully designed compact top holds the motor with electrical cord and feels secure in one hand. The Tupperware style lid has a capped hole, preventing dirt from affecting the motor housing and doubling as a food storage cover. The blade body sits on a stainless steel pin and easily lifts straight up and off without me being concerned about slicing a finger. I loaded the sturdy plastic container with one rib CELERY cut into 3 inch lengths, the YELLOW PEPPER, a slice of GINGER, a quartered CLEMENTINE with a slice of peel, half a TOMATOE quartered, some fresh CILANTRO, a teaspoon of BRAGG's organic APPLE CIDER VINEGAR and a splash of EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. . . . and put on the lid as instructed. I placed the motor housing on top, which easily connected to the blade through the open hole in the lid, pushed down on the silver "switch" to the count of ONE ~ TWO ~ THREE If you look close, you'll notice two pepper seeds at the bottom of the base. The base stayed sturdy and stationary as it chopped, never slipping or sliding ! . . . grabbed the white blade stem and lifted it straight up ~ off ~ and out ! Could've put on the fitted storage lid and refridgerated... But . . . It was SO DELICIOUS . . .
didn't even need salt . . . devoured the entire thing ! YUM !!! Anyway, I LOVE this thing and hope it lasts awhile. It seems like it will. Your comments are most appreciated and your personal info remains private. HAPPY CHANUKKAH MERRY CHRISTMAS FAUX PAINTING ~ Brick, Stone, Oak, Pine, Green Marble, Red Marble, White Marble and Yellow Marble9/29/2014 I hand painted this life size Faux Brick and Stone on a Masonite panel. For the sake of realism, I added a round seep hole, which bricklayers install for water drainage. This Faux Oak Veneer and 6 inch Knotty Pine Board was also hand painted by me ... life size on Masonite Panel. For those who don't know, 6 inch Pine really measures 5 1/2 inches wide. I created all the following Marble samples on more Masonite. These samples are also life size and measure approximately 15 x 15 inches. TWO MORE TO SEE ~ CONTINUE SCROLLING ! ... Just ONE more below ! Thank you for viewing my work ! Your comments and suggestions are a GREAT pleasure to read and your personal info remains PRIVATE !!! Contact me for your special project using my e-mail above or simply CLICK HERE What exactly is the Beast that steals purpose from you ?
Are you believing the LIE that you are NOT as important as you really are ...That your life is NOT as important as it REALLY IS ? Do you believe the LIE that you are ONLY a by~product of a moment's passion or lust ? If you believe the dark, ugly, deceptive, insane, hateful and evil things of this world exist ... then also BELIEVE and KNOW that LIGHT ~ BEAUTY ~ HONESTY ~ GOODNESS and LOVE ALSO EXIST and ARE FAR MORE POWERFUL !!! Choose your affiliation wisely or become victim to the LIES. BELIEVE INSTEAD THE TRUTH : YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT TO THE ENTIRE WORLD ... TO THOSE YOU LOVE ... TO THOSE YOU KNOW ... TO THOSE YOU WILL LOVE IN THE FUTURE ... TO THOSE YOU MIGHT NEVER KNOW ... YOU HAVE A PURPOSE THAT NO ~ ONE CAN FULFILL THE WAY THAT YOU CAN FULFILL IT !!! GET BUSY BELIEVING THE TRUTH ! ![]() It's common to expect an average of 200 Wedding Guests, but WHO wants to be responsible for collecting and watching over all those GIFT CARDS loaded with $ $ $ CASH $ $ $ Our Family recently had just such an occasion to prepare for. I was glad to discover this LARGE LANTERN, with 3 LED candles, and a latched door, at a HOME GOODS STORE ... AND... happily went to work redesigning it to suit the vision it invoked. ![]() First, I spray painted the DULL ~ DULL ~ DULL charcoal grey metal top with GLOSS BLACK. Then I got some thin Foam Board, Magic Markers, Rulers, White Paint, Exacto Blades, Elmer's Glue, Black Contact Paper, Odds n Ends of Pre Cut Wood Ornaments... and had me some FUN transforming the lantern into an Edwardian House that accepted ANY size GIFT CARD in the slot and can be reverted to the lantern whenever so desired ! The LED's can be turned on from the original switch located on the underside to create a glow ! I LOVE TO READ YOUR COMMENTS !
The SEVENTH Spiritual Gift is called HOLY FEAR. It fills us with a sovereign respect for GOD and makes us dread nothing so much as to offend Him. It is a fear that arises NOT from the thought of hell, but from sentiments of reverence and filial submission to our Heavenly Father. It is this type of fear that is the beginning of WISDOM, detaching us from worldly pleasures that could in any way separate us from GOD. PRAYER: COME, O BLESSED SPIRIT OF HOLY FEAR; PENETRATE MY INMOST HEART THAT I MAY SET YOU, MY LORD AND GOD, BEFORE MY FACE FOREVER. HELP ME TO SHUN ALL THINGS THAT CAN OFFEND YOU AND MAKE ME WORTHY TO APPEAR BEFORE THE PURE EYES OF YOUR DIVINE MAJESTY IN HEAVEN, WHERE YOU LIVE AND REIGN IN THE UNITY OF THE EVER BLESSED TRINITY, GOD WORLD WITHOUT END. AMEN. This information is shared from
THE ARCHCONFRATERNITY of the HOLY GHOST 6230 BRUSH RUN ROAD BETHEL PARK, PA 15102-2214 FEEL FREE TO CONTACT THEM TO LEARN MORE ! The Spiritual Gift of PIETY creates in our hearts a filial affection for GOD as our most loving Father. It inspires us to love and respect, for His sake, persons and things consecrated to Him. Those who are filled with the Gift of PIETY find the practice of worshipping GOD a delightful service and NOT a burdensome duty. WHERE THERE IS LOVE, THERE IS NO LABOUR. PRAYER: COME OH SPIRIT OF PIETY AND POSSESS MY HEART. ENKINDLE THEREIN SUCH A LOVE FOR GOD THAT I MAY FIND SATISFACTION ONLY IN HIS SERVICE, AND, FOR HIS SAKE, LOVINGLY SUBMIT TO ALL LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY. AMEN. This information comes from the
ARCHCONFRATERNITY OF THE HOLY GHOST located in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, whose objectives are to glorify GOD, the HOLY GHOST and to obtain an abundance of his gifts for all. * YOUR COMMENTS WELCOMED AND SECURE * "THOU, IN TOIL, ART COMFORT SWEET; PLEASANT COOLNESS IN THE HEAT; SOLACE IN THE MIDST OF WOE." The FIFTH Gift of the Spirit, FORTITUDE, strengthens the soul against natural fear and supports, to the very end, the performance of duty. FORTITUDE imparts to the will an impulse and energy which move it to undertake, without hesitancy, the most arduous tasks, to face dangers, to trample under foot human respect, and to endure, without complaint, the slow martyrdom of even lifelong tribulation. PRAYER: Come, O Blessed Spirit of FORTITUDE, uphold my soul in time of trouble and adversity, sustain my efforts after holiness, strengthen my weakness, give me courage against ALL the assaults of my enemies, that I may NEVER be overcome and separated from Thee, my GOD and greatest Good. AMEN. This information comes from the
ARCHCONFRATERNITY OF THE HOLY GHOST located in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, whose objectives are to glorify GOD, the HOLY GHOST and to obtain an abundance of his gifts for all. * YOUR COMMENTS WELCOMED AND SECURE * The Gift of UNDERSTANDING helps us to grasp the meaning of TRUTH. It enables us to penetrate the inner meaning of revealed truths and through those truths we are brought to a newness of life. Our faith stops being inactive and sterile, but inspires a new way of living that bears eloquent testimony to the faith that is in us; we begin to walk worthy of GOD in ALL things pleasing and we increase in the knowledge of GOD. PSALM 119:169 "LET MY CRY COME BEFORE YOU, OH LORD; GIVE ME UNDERSTANDING ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD." PRAYER: COME, OH SPIRIT OF UNDERSTANDING AND ENLIGHTEN OUR MINDS THAT WE MAY KNOW AND BELIEVE ALL THE MYSTERIES OF SALVATION; AND MAY MERIT AT LAST TO SEE THE ETERNAL LIGHT IN THY LIGHT; AND IN THE LIGHT OF GLORY TO HAVE A CLEAR VISION OF THEE AND THE FATHER AND SON. AMEN. This information comes from the
ARCHCONFRATERNITY OF THE HOLY GHOST located in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, whose objectives are to glorify GOD, the HOLY GHOST and to obtain an abundance of his gifts for all. * YOUR COMMENTS WELCOMED AND SECURE * On a highpoint of land overlooking the sea in Montauk, NY, sits a massive boulder of white granite known as THE COUNCIL ROCK. This exact spot is claimed to be a Spiritual Vortex. Montauk Indian Tribal Councils included twelve other local American Indian Tribes and were held at this location. As they gathered to discuss current events, the surrounding base of the rock would spontaneously erupt in flames which was seen as a beacon of light from vessels at sea. Many Supernatural events have been recorded at this place. The ghosts of Indians have been seen by many and the sounds of beating drums often reported. A band of Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders died of Tuberculosis here and have also been seen wandering the grounds in Spirit. CLICK ON THIS LINK TO READ MORE ABOUT THIS PHENOMENON ! ![]() The second of the SEVEN Spiritual Gifts, The GIFT of COUNSEL endows the soul with supernatural prudence, enabling it to judge promptly and rightly what MUST BE done, especially in difficult circumstances. COUNSEL IS SUPERNATURAL COMMON SENSE, a priceless treasure. PRAYER: COME, OH SPIRIT OF COUNSEL, HELP AND GUIDE ME IN ALL MY WAYS THAT I MAY ALWAYS DO YOUR HOLY WILL. INCLINE MY HEART TO THAT WHICH IS GOOD; TURN IT AWAY FROM ALL THAT IS EVIL, AND DIRECT ME BY THE STRAIGHT PATH OF THY COMMANDMENTS TO THAT GOAL OF ETERNAL LIFE FOR WHICH I LONG. AMEN. This information comes from the
ARCHCONFRATERNITY OF THE HOLY GHOST located in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, whose objectives are to glorify GOD, the HOLY GHOST and to obtain an abundance of his gifts for all. * YOUR COMMENTS WELCOMED AND SECURE * |
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May 2019