Imagine the sound of crickets humming in the night and be at PEACE
" IT ISN'T EASY BEING GREEN. " Kermit the Frog So . . . don't be ! Embrace all the colours. Summer Eye Candy provided by the GREAT CREATOR through the eyes of me ! ENJOY THANK YOU ! Come along and enjoy a late afternoon winter's walk through the SOUTH CAROLINA AUDUBON SWAMP GARDEN In the stillness of this other worldly beauty . . . where many a gator, snake and insect currently lay dormant . . . where Cypress and Tupelo Gum Trees grow out of the water . . . where Springtime Birds of 100 Species converge . . . where a greater diversity of life than just about anywhere in the USA THRIVES . . . where afternoon turns to twilight swiftly . . . where the history of these swamp lands still whisper. . . . . . about the many Slaves that slogged & toiled in these sixty acres to grow Carolina Rice. "We know that ALL things work together for good . . ." Romans 8:28 Some things take a little longer . . . nevertheless . . .
Praise God ! It's expected to conform with the norm these days and wish EVERYONE the usual HAPPY ~ HEALTHY ~ PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ! . . . and that's all wonderful . . . EXCEPT absolutely NONE of those things can exist without the deepest human need of ALL ! So, I've decided to wish the world to be permeated through and through with PEACE ![]() While most everyone is thinking about apples in Fall, here in the Northeast the ELBERTA PEACHES have just finished their peak. My five year old tree produced better than a hundred pounds even after being pruned hard in late winter. ![]() Elbertas are fabulous eaten fresh. The stones pop right out and their perfume fills the house. Still, they can NEVER EVER compare with a peach grown in Georgia . ![]() I 've Grilled Elberta's, Pied Elbertas, Jammed, Ice Creamed and Baked Elbertas, added Ginger to them and even Chutneyed Elbertas ... no matter what I did to them, their flavor always vanished in the process ! ![]() I only know of THREE THINGS to successfully do with Elbertas : 1. Enjoy as many FRESH as you can stand 2. delight your neighbors and friends with bags of them ... and ... 3. make PEACH CORDIAL ![]()
I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth's sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at GOD all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only GOD can make a tree. "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer ~ 1919 The CHEROKEE PEOPLE tell a story about our younger world, when animals and humans communicated freely and easily. There was peace between them until humans invented the bow and arrow and began killing the animals for food and skins. The animal kingdom became very concerned about being wiped out completely and held a meeting. The bears were especially angry and vowed they'd fight back in the same way, but that just wasn't possible. A little deer named AWI USDI had an idea to visit humans as they slept as that was the safest way to get them to understand without risking anyone's life. So, that's what AWI USDI did. He whispered into the Hunters ears as they slept and told them: Whenever you wish to kill one of us you must prepare ceremoniously. You must ask permission to kill one of us. After you kill one of us, you must show respect for our Spirit and ask for our pardon. If you do not do this, then you will be cursed with crippled limbs and you won't be able to shoot your bow and arrow anymore. The Hunters awoke; some remembering the little deer as if it were a dream. Others were certain he had really visited them. Most honoured the request and only hunted when food and clothes were needed, and behaved with respect to their kill. The Hunters who did not were crippled with Rheumatism. ![]() Last week I posted a pic of a dripping icicle. I noticed a definite image in the drip, enlarged it and turned it upside down. The result is a fish eye image of my side yard. There's something magical about capturing such a clear image in a simple water drip. It makes me wonder about the way others might see; the way that nature naturally reflects us and how this is all being recorded in a mere drip of water. It is now officially the Year of the WOOD GOAT. That hasn't happened for SIXTY years ! WOOD GOAT years and people are known to be amicable, gentle and compassionate, as well as calm, creative and determined to succeed. Today is also ASH WEDNESDAY which marks the First Day of LENT which also means there are FORTY days until the anniversary of EASTER the day that The Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead. It is a day of fasting, if you can, FORTY days of fasting, if you dare; and a time of atonement and acknowledgement of our personal shortcomings; a time of personal cleansing. Last night's sunset was another amazing masterpiece by The Creator. Though I had tears in my eyes, I was happy to see it. ![]() You see ... I had just left a Nursing Home after visiting an elderly friend suddenly afflicted with heart problems and dementia. I had been surprised to recognize a particular man amongst the patients gathered for dinner. His nurse methodically wiped his chin as he mindlessly chewed the bites she fed him. He stared without seeing. This was the self same man who arrogantly boasted of his great wealth ... not that very long ago. This was the self same man who grossly overcharged me for an item I once had to purchase. ![]() This was the self same man who sat in the front pew at church and condescendingly nodded at the others who politely addressed him as though he were King. I had long since forgiven this man and also forgotten him; and, suddenly, without warning, there he was again and I couldn't ignore it. A great pity overcame me. I said a silent prayer on his behalf and added all the others to it. The great wealth for which he was admired was of little consequence now. There were no loved ones at his side; just a nurse he was lucky to have. "The rich and poor meet together; The Lord is the maker of them all." Proverbs 22:2 |
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May 2019